Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's the economy, stupid

While drifting idly along Smith Street approximately 15 minutes ago, I overheard a young woman say, as she looked at the front page of The Age, "It will be an outrage if Howard loses the election. Don't these people care about his economic record?"

No. We don't.

I don't, anyway.

I care about the mandatory detention of refugees. I care about the rise in racism since Howard moved the country to the right in order to nobble One Nation and pick up Pauline Hanson's disenfranchised supporters. I care about abandoning the the idea of an Australian republic and turning our backs on reconciliation. I care about art coming a poor second to sport. I care about draconian anti-terrorism legislation that erodes our rights in order to save our way of life. I care about the impact of sedition laws on our freedom of speech. I care about accountability, honesty and transparency of government. I care about the soul of my country, which has been blackened and tarnished by Howard's cold heart and the Coalition's sticky, grubby fingers.

That's what I care about. Bring on the election.


FireHorse said...

I'm with you Richard about the election. Bring it on. As for, "It will be an outrage if Howard loses the election..." I cannot believe the woman used the word "outrage" to describe Howard's possible loss. Sounds like she is a all about "me, me, me, me" person. This is what we are up against.

I'm a member of The Greens but I'll be kissing people and dancing in the streets if Rudd wins. Just like they did when the war (wwii) ended.

Anonymous said...

'Outrage' ??
Sounds like a good name for a homo newspaper in the '80's !!
(think I still have a few old copies in the box of stuff that the folks nearly tossed out)

Anonymous said...

There's weird people everywhere -- even if you were a Howard supporter, you would really have to hate democracy to be outraged.

I can add another care to that list -- I care about people incorrectly attributing economic performance (good and bad) to government policy, when in reality, economic performance is due to innumerate variables outside the government's control, like mineral prices doubling.

Paul Martin said...

I pretty much agree with everything you said, Richard, though I wouldn't put it that politely.

I also agree with Conrad. Basically, Howard assumed government taking advantage of all the right economic indicators in place thanks to Hawke and Keating's much more progressive policies. Howard and his cronies have just been taking advantage of a world climate, with no vision or policies for the future. And the GST handed them truck loads of cash that they haven't known what to do with them. These guys have had every opportunity to make far-reaching reforms for the benefit of ALL Australians, and have blown it, sitting on their grubby hands for 11 years.

mskp said...

sing it, sister! we'll be dancing in the streets before christmas...x

Dreck said...

I, too, have long been decrying Howard's claims of control over market forces. It's funny, though. Nobody I know wants to vote anybody else *in* so much as Howard *out*.
Unfortunately, electing different professional politicians for the top job in a representative democracy is about as 'progressive' as walking backwards.
Still, I can't wait to see that bastard, Howard, go down in flames.

richardwatts said...

mskp, can I spend election night with you, please?

Sam said...

*applause* Magnificently put.

I'm amazed, though, that there would be any Howard supporters in or around the Smith St area?!

susanna said...

hooray richard!

i invite that woman to shove her 'outrage'. her party has outraged, not to mention sidelined, trodden upon, manipulated, smarmed up to and lied to us all (in varying degrees depending on our race, orientation, class and financial utility or otherwise) for 11 long, depressing years, and i am busting my chops to cast my vote and laugh in the face of self-interested 'outrage'!

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with you, Richard. My main concern is that the polls also predicted that Latham would win a landslide. I am also concerned that Labor alreday think they have won. They should not be so complacent and work harder to ensure the Libs don't get another term!

Paul Martin said...

Could you imagine the arrogance of Howard were he to - dare I say it - win??? He would become a god in the Liberal Party and assume (even more) an air of invincibility.

No, the thought is too shocking. I really hope Howard suffers the indignity of losing his own seat. He deserves it.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya!

Sunday night while watching T.V an Ad came on that turned my face red and produce steam out of my ears.

Have you seen the new Federal Government Climate Change ad? It's so patronising and should be bad for false advertising.

Anonymous said...

I love (that means hate) how the government is spending SO much money on false fears. Has anyone read the Drug Information booklet? Or those anti union ads with beefy men stomping in to break up a happy workforce!

But when it comes to something serious like climate change which needs strong government legislation of business (especially in boom time when the economy can afford it) we get puppies running around the feet of children as they turn the tv off at the wall.

mskp said...

sure thing, sweetheart. i'm counting the days...x

Anonymous said...

don't forget that because we have one of the most democratic electoral systems in the world you can vote '1' for the greens(or the third party) and then vote labour etc. _without_ it being a 'wasted' vote in _any_ way. A vote for a legimate third party is a vote against the "two party system"

richardwatts said...

I certainly haven't forgotten that salient fact, Tom, and I'm looking forward to carefully exercising my preferences - which means making sure I put Family First LAST. I wonder if Labor will preference them again?